Thursday, May 21, 2009

One and counting

Well, Its been awhile since my last post. Honestly I have been so busy and engrossed in the Twilight Saga that I haven't been doing much of anything but read these past couple of weeks. What a great group of books if you like to read!

Since the last post we have come home from San Deigo and celebrated Maddie's 1st birthday. The celebration was very small. She started the day off with her doctors appointment. She weighed in at 21 lbs 15 oz, and is 30 inches long. She did have another ear infection though, and is currently on antibotics to treat it. She will be having tubes put in May 27.

Later that day my mom was here and we went to Outback to eat dinner with Mike, and then headed home to eat cupcakes with the neighbors. All and all it was pretty low key.

Congratulations to Mike who just helped spear headed a fundraiser to raise $31000 for Friadriech's Ataxia. We were in Raleigh this past weekend with Outbackers from all over the state who came to participate in a 3k walk, which got rained out. But Mike the planner that he is, had a back up plan and all 250+ of us got to go bowling. It was a fun time! Mikes goal is to have NC and SC Outbacks to raise $500000 by November.

What a wonderful world it will be!

What a wonderful world it will be!