Friday, September 19, 2008

4 month checkup

Hey Everbody!  Its been a couple of weeks since our last blog, hope everyone is doing great!  Maddie has since turned 4th monthes old.  She actually went for her 4 month check up today.  She was given a great bill of health!  She is weighing in at 16lbs 13oz and is 27 inches long. She is now were 6th month clothes easily!  Since her first trial of baby food (sweet potatoes) she has also been eating peas, green beans, squash, prunes, and pears.  I think she likes the sweet potato's best though.  She eats from a spoon like a little lady, making very little mess.  We have been practicing sitting up on the bed also.  After I help her get up she is able to sit up unassisted for a least a minute at a time, and squeals with glee at her accomplishment.  I can't wait for everyone to see her!!!Mike and I are doing good to.  Each day our life gets a little more adjusted to our new routine and family.  The weather here as been perfect also. Tonight the windows are open and a subtle cool breeze is filling the house. PERFECT!Mike is preparing for his trip to Washington DC this week, and I am gearing up for a week of writing IEP's.  Stay posted for more as the world turns...

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Sweeeeet Potato!

Well lots has happened since my last blog. This weekend we had a house full of fun and great people. My dad came to visit Sat. thru Sun. We hung out, talked, ate, and played with the baby. She very observate, active and happy.

On Sunday our good friends from Winston Salem came down. Tom and Vic Matisko work for Outback and the Winston Salem County school system as a French teacher. We are the same age, and just have lot in common as a couple. So has you would think we have a lot in common and are great friends. We all ventured into down town New Bern to walk around and window shop. We eventually ended up the evening by grilling out and playing with Maddie.

Maddie has had a great week! She has been to the doctor for her bathroom issue and the doctor prescribed BABY FOOD! So I had the best shopping trip of my life at Walmart buying baby yummies :) We fed her sweet potato's on Tuesday night, she loved it!

Congrats also to the great news from our cousins Eric, Jennifer, and Carri Nunn, who just learned they are having a baby!!!! How cool!

Well keep us in mind, as we are hearing 3 hurricanes are out in the Atlantic, I will be stocking up on H20 and batteries soon!

What a wonderful world it will be!

What a wonderful world it will be!