Monday, September 10, 2007

Shout out to my mom!

Here's a shout out to my mom and Baby W's grandma, who just dredged through dial up to check out my new house! Hope you like it! Love you- MB and Baby W

Sunday, September 9, 2007

more house pics

Can't wait for everyone to come down and visit and see the place! I'll send the address when I know its ours.

We are trying to buy a house...

Another piece of exciting news is that we are trying to by a house. I could tell you all about it but instead I think I will just show you. Enjoy the pictures.

We're moving!

We also found out on Monday that Michael has recieved a new store... in New Bern, North Carolina. So we are moving. Hopefully by Oct. 10. Michael is leaving for New Bern on Sunday and I am going to stay behind here in Kernersville and work a little bit longer. Even though we are excited about the move, we are still a bit nervous about moving so far away from the home we have known so long. It really is a beautiful coastal city, surrounded by the Nuese River and the Trent River. I have included a picture of the "warf" were yachts of all sizes are docked and waiting to head out to sea.

U and Me and Baby Makes 3

After a few months of practicing, we have concieved. Monday night around 10:45, I took a test which proved positive. So exciting, check out the blog for more updates and pictures!

What a wonderful world it will be!

What a wonderful world it will be!